| IonChromatogram: the raw data | | IonPair: Data model for the MRM ion pair | | RTAlignment: |
find_untargeted_ionpair | MRM-Ion Pair Finder is used to automatically and systematically define MRM transitions from untargeted metabolomics data. Our research group first introduced the concept of pseudotargeted metabolomics using the retention time locking GC-MS-selected ions monitoring in 2012. The pseudotargeted metabolomics method was extended to LC-MS in 2013. To define ion pairs automatically and systematically, the in-house software “Mul-tiple Reaction Monitoring-Ion Pair Finder (MRM-Ion Pair Finder)” was developed, which made defining of the MRM transitions for untargeted metabolic profiling easier and less time consuming. Recently, MRM-Ion Pair Finder was updated to version 2.0. The new version is more convenient, consumes less time and is also suitable for negative ion mode. And the function of MRM-Ion Pair Finder is also performed in R so that users have more options when using pseudotargeted method. |
MRM.arguments | Create argument object for run MRM quantification. |
MRM.rt_alignments | |
extract.ions | Extract ion peaks |
extract_mrm | Extract ion peaks |
extract_ionpairs | Extract all ion pairs information from the given rawdata file |
extract.peakROI | Exact |
read.ion_pairs | Get ion pair definition data from a given table file. |
isomerism.ion_pairs | |
as.ion_pairs | Convert any compatibale type as the ion pairs data object for MRM target selected. |
read.reference | Read reference points |
read.IS | Read the definition of internal standards |
wiff.rawfiles | Create model of the MRM raw files |
MRM.peak2 | Get MRM ions peaks data from a given raw data file |
MRM.peaks | Get MRM ions peaks data from a given raw data file |
wiff.scan2 | Scan the raw file dataGet the peak area data of the metabolites in each given sample data files |
wiff.scans | Scan the raw file dataGet the peak area data of the metabolites in each given sample data files |
linears | Create linear fitting based on the wiff raw scan data. |
R2 | |
sample.quantify2 | Do sample quantify |
sample.quantify | Do sample quantify |