pipeline {SMRUCC.Rsharp.Runtime.Internal.Object} .NET clr documentation



The R# data pipeline this model object is a kind of wrapper of the .net clr IEnumerable interface


# namespace SMRUCC.Rsharp.Runtime.Internal.Object
export class pipeline extends RsharpDataObject {
   elementType: RType;
   # contains an error message in the pipeline populator or 
   #  the pipeline data is an error message. You can get the
   #  error message via function pipeline.getError when
   #  this property value is TRUE
   isError: boolean;
   # current data pipeline is a data message?
   isMessage: boolean;
   # The action will be called after finish loop on the sequence. 
   #  Null value of this property will be ignored
   pipeFinalize: Action;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. this class extends from RsharpDataObject class: RsharpDataObject
  2. use by property member elementType: RType
  3. use by property member pipeFinalize: Action

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]