AlignmentOutput {BioNovoGene.Analytical.MassSpectrometry.Math.Spectra.Xml} .NET clr documentation



the spectrum similarity comparision result object

contains the score and spectrum fragment alignment details result data.


# namespace BioNovoGene.Analytical.MassSpectrometry.Math.Spectra.Xml
export class AlignmentOutput {
   alignment_str: string;
   alignments: SSM2MatrixFragment[];
   # the min value of AlignmentOutput.forward and AlignmentOutput.reverse
   cosine: double;
   # the spectrum entropy similarity
   entropy: double;
   # the forward cosine score
   forward: double;
   # the jaccard index between the fragment set of query vs subject
   jaccard: double;
   # get score mean result
   mean: double;
   mirror: double;
   nhits: integer;
   # the reference to the sample query
   query: Meta;
   # the reference to the reference library
   reference: Meta;
   # the reverse cosine score
   reverse: double;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. use by property member alignments: SSM2MatrixFragment
  2. use by property member query: Meta
  3. use by property member reference: Meta

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]