PeakList {BioNovoGene.Analytical.MassSpectrometry.Math.Spectra} .NET clr documentation



Spectrum data in vector model

if the PeakList.MRM data is not empty, then it means current spectrum peaks data is the data for MRM targetted analysis


# namespace BioNovoGene.Analytical.MassSpectrometry.Math.Spectra
export class PeakList {
   # the signal intensity strength 
   #  value of the corresponding ion 
   #  fragment mass data.
   into: double;
   # the peak annotation of the corresponding ion peak data
   metadata: string;
   MRM: MRM[];
   # the ion fragment mass list
   mz: double;
   # gets the number of the ion fragments 
   #  in current peak list object data.
   size: integer;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. use by property member MRM: MRM

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]