mz_deco {mzDeco} | R Documentation |
tolerance = "ppm:20",
baseline = 0.65,
peak.width = "3,15",
joint = FALSE,
parallel = FALSE,
dtw = FALSE,
feature = NULL,
rawfile = NULL,
sn.threshold = 1);
a vector of the peak deconvolution data,
in format of xcms peak table liked or mzkit PeakFeature
data object.
the result data vector may contains the rt shift data result, where you can get this shift
value via the rt.shift
attribute name, rt shift data model is clr type: RtShift.
imports "mzDeco" from "mz_quantify";
let rawdata = open.mzpack("/path/to/rawdata.mzXML");
let ms1 = rawdata |> ms1_scans();
let peaks = mz_deco(ms1, tolerance = "da:0.01", peak.width = [3,30],
dtw = TRUE);
write.peaks(peaks, file = "/data/save_debug.dat");