SvgContainer {Microsoft.VisualBasic.Imaging.SVG.XML} | .NET clr documentation |
# namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.Imaging.SVG.XML
export class SvgContainer extends SvgElement {
AriaLabel: string;
Fill: string;
FillOpacity: double;
filter: string;
Id: string;
# try to get the last created SvgElement in this svg document data.
lastElement: SvgElement;
Stroke: string;
StrokeDashArray: double;
StrokeLineCap: SvgStrokeLineCap;
StrokeOpacity: double;
StrokeWidth: double;
Style: string;
TabIndex: Nullable`1;
Tag: string;
Transform: string;
Visible: boolean;
: SvgElementStrokeLineCap
: SvgStrokeLineCapTabIndex
: Nullable`1