ClusterTree {Microsoft.VisualBasic.DataMining.BinaryTree} .NET clr documentation



A simple cluster tree builder just provides the reference id of the target object for make the alignment or comparision. the comparision for build the tree is under the given @T:Microsoft.VisualBasic.DataMining.BinaryTree.ClusterTree.Argument.

implements the Molecule Networking via the tree clustering operation in mzkit this model is a kind of tree with multiple branches, each branches standards for different similarity SCORE LEVELs.


# namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.DataMining.BinaryTree
export class ClusterTree extends Tree`1 {
   Childs: list;
   Count: integer;
   Data: string;
   ID: integer;
   IsLeaf: boolean;
   IsRoot: boolean;
   label: string;
   # This property includes all data in current cluster tree node, 
   #  also includes the Tree`1.Data member.
   Members: iterates(String);
   Parent: Tree`1;
   QualifyName: string;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. this class extends from Tree`1 class: Tree`1
  2. use by property member Childs: list
  3. use by property member Members: iterates(String)
  4. use by property member Parent: Tree`1

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]