SingleCellIonStat {BioNovoGene.Analytical.MassSpectrometry.SingleCells} .NET clr documentation



A ion feature statistics information from a single cell data


# namespace BioNovoGene.Analytical.MassSpectrometry.SingleCells
export class SingleCellIonStat {
   # the cell label id which has the max intensity of current ion feature.
   baseCell: string;
   # the cell numbers that contains this ion feature.
   cells: integer;
   entropy: double;
   # the max intensity value of current ion feature.
   maxIntensity: double;
   # the ion feature m/z value
   mz: double;
   mz_error: string;
   mzmax: double;
   mzmin: double;
   Q1Intensity: double;
   Q2Intensity: double;
   Q3Intensity: double;
   # RSD value of the intensity value of current ion feature across multiple cells
   rsd: double;
   sparsity: double;


.NET clr type reference tree

this clr type has no other .net clr type reference.
[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]