IonStat {BioNovoGene.Analytical.MassSpectrometry.MsImaging} .NET clr documentation



Stats the ion features inside a MSI raw data slide


# namespace BioNovoGene.Analytical.MassSpectrometry.MsImaging
export class IonStat {
   # the average intensity value of current ion across all pixels
   averageIntensity: double;
   # the x axis position of the pixel which has the max intensity value of current ion layer
   basePixelX: integer;
   # the y axis position of the pixel which has the max intensity value of current ion layer
   basePixelY: integer;
   # the average spatial density
   density: double;
   entropy: double;
   # the max intensity value of current ion across all pixels
   maxIntensity: double;
   # Moran-I index value of current ion layer geometry data
   #  In statistics, Moran's I is a measure of spatial autocorrelation developed by Patrick Alfred Pierce Moran.
   #  Spatial autocorrelation is characterized by a correlation in a signal among nearby locations in space. 
   #  Spatial autocorrelation is more complex than one-dimensional autocorrelation because spatial correlation 
   #  is multi-dimensional (i.e. 2 or 3 dimensions of space) and multi-directional.
   moran: double;
   # the ion m/z value of current ms-imaging layer feature
   mz: double;
   # the max range value of current ion m/z
   mzmax: double;
   # the min range value of current ion m/z
   mzmin: double;
   # the description text of the mz range: mzmax - mzmin
   mzwidth: string;
   # the total pixel number of current ion m/z occurs.
   pixels: integer;
   # the Moran-I test p-value
   pvalue: double;
   # the intensity value of quartile Q1 level(25% quantile)
   Q1Intensity: double;
   # the intensity value of quartile Q2 level(median value, 50% quantile)
   Q2Intensity: double;
   # the intensity value of quartile Q3 level(75% quantile)
   Q3Intensity: double;
   rsd: double;
   sparsity: double;


.NET clr type reference tree

this clr type has no other .net clr type reference.
[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]